Any new trend represents a space of opportunity to explore

Minsait Xtudio is an innovation and experience design consultancy that, through its multidisciplinary team, brings together innovation capabilities and new business models with the aim of promoting the growth of companies. With the aim of knowing in depth the characteristics that define this company, at we have had a conversation with Jesús Daniel Fernández Roldán, Leadership of Minsait Xtudio.

What services do you offer at Minsait Xtudio

Minsait Xtudio was born in response to the increase in demand for design, innovation, and experience consulting services from the technical and top industry data business areas of our clients during recent years. Hence, currently our service offering focuses on combining and providing feedback to four lines of activity to respond to said demand: Design of user experiences (digital product) , consumption (omnichannel service), and adoption (behaviors, operations and processes after a technological implementation) from innovation and business agility. Activation and personalization of the digital brand experience , based on the value perceived by the customer throughout its life cycle.

What is your positioning in the market

We believe that the market has already been investing for several years in digital transformation initiatives led by technological implementation Phone Number SA and process redesign, with greater focus on operational efficiency than on the creation of positive connections between all the agents involved in a context of high uncertainty. And we want to change that. Therefore, our value proposition focuses on helping to make these investments profitable by (re)evolving the way in which companies create and deliver value, not only from the business indicator and technological capacity, but by balancing both from the perception of the value that all those who create, deliver and receive said value have, together with the impact that it has on the environment of each of them.

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