The 11 secrets to sell more in summer

The long-awaited summer arrives. People on vacation, visiting destinations, getting tanned on the beach or the pool… In short, enjoying their free time and doing everything they can’t during the rest of the year. But, not everyone always benefits The 11 secrets at this stage. And I’m not just referring to those who have to work more in the summer. Your business also suffers the consequences. This translates into fewer subscribers, fewer sales, and less conversion from your pages and ads in general. And, although it is completely normal, it is not the only possibility.

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Results go down, unable to do anything . In fact, there are a few tasks that you can take off your shoulders during this period to make the summer months company data even the most productive of the year. And today, I’m going to show you which are the 11 most important ones . Get ready because… you have work ahead of you! Review, improve and automate your sales funnel Sometimes, our sales funnel can have some “holes” through which sales escape . And it is difficult to detect errors with the naked eye, since they can be found in everything from the lead magnet to the entire strategy and steps behind it.

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And now is a great time to

Measure your statistics to the millimeter . For example, if your ads aren’t converting much, you need to make adjustments or even invest in other Phone Number SA platforms that might work better for you. You can also measure the registrations of new leads in your forms, and the conversions, both on the sales pages and on the squeeze pages or landing pages The 11 secrets that you have. Review your lead magnet calmly. You may come to the conclusion that it is time to renew it, create a new, more powerful one, or even change its format. 

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