Basic Concepts about Google Tag Manager

Before we get “hands in the building” (hahaha, greetings Alicia) we are going to understand the basic concepts of Google Tag Manager . Therefore,Well, there aren’t many: Container . The container is where you throw the trash. Recycle, okay? In Google Tag Manager it is the website, Android application, IOS application or AMP page where you are going to place the Google Tag Manager code. Come on, your website, to understand each other.Therefore, With one account you can have a lot of containers. Each container has its unique code that must be inserted into the website or app.

Installation, use and tricks of Google Tag Manager

For this entire part I have made a fairly long video , more than 20 minutes where I tell you step by step how to install, use and some extra tricks of Therefore,Tag Manager so I am not going to go on too long transcribing it. OK? Installing Google Tag Manager When you create a container, it generates two pieces of code that you must insert into industry email list all the pages of your website. Ideally, you should strictly comply with the recommendation of putting one portion just after <head> and the other just after <body> . Come on, the first thing in the head and the first thing in the body of all the pages of your website.

Install Google Analytics with Tag Manager

There is a conceptual difference between using standard Google Analytics and using it with Google Tag Manager . The logical thing is that we Phone Number SA think that we should add an Therefore,Analytics tag and then, if we want to parameterize or extend it, we do it through the options. Come on, we’ll think: “Analytics is a single label.” However, in Tag Manager an analytics tag is a submission of information . For example, sending a page view hit to Analytics is a tag but if we also want to generate an event when clicking

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