Ways to Improve E-commerce Category Pages

If you’ve been doing SEO for a while, you’ll understand what I mean. When I say category pages are a common area SEO and UX experts disagree on. And this is for one key reason: SEOs tend to want to. Add more content and links, and UX experts want to prioritize clicks to products. However, there is a middle ground where we can retain the commercial. Nature of categories and include content to help users make their purchase decision. Ways to Improve Throughout this guide, I’ll show how to improve your e-commerce category pages for SEO while ensuring the user remains at the core of your decisions.

But first why are

Categories so important? The importance of great categories cannot be understated. They’re the site area where you’ll often capture “The Fat Head” and “The Chunky company data Middle” of search queries—the high-volume, less-specific queries that most bosses/clients want to rank for. That’s not to say categories can’t target long-tail keywords. But unless you have a lot of SKUs, sites often target the long-tail with product pages. In addition to categories being essential for capturing traffic from high-volume terms, they also help: Users discover your products when navigating your site. You effectively distribute PageRank to important subcategories and products via your internal linking.

Ways to Improve search engines

Understand your information architecture (IA), i.e., how you’ve organized your content. So why is understanding the difference between CLPs and PLPs significant? CLPs target very Phone Number SA broad topics. A site is unlikely to service the user’s requirements by displaying one product type. For example, on ASOS’ men’s clothing CLP, it doesn’t know the specific type of men’s clothing a user wants to see, so it links to a mixture of different types of products. CLPs exist to help users navigate to a more specific page. Sites do this, as they won’t be sure specifically what the user wants yet—so they show them a selection of all relevant product types. With PLPs, on the other hand, sites know what a user wants.

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