Dynabook takes over from Toshiba

In October 2018, Sharp Corporation acquired 80.1% of Toshiba’s computing business, adopting the Dynabook name on April 1, 2019. On August 4, 2020, the acquisition of 19.9% ​​was completed. Remaining % of shares. This process began a new stage for the technology company, which has opted for a new identity without losing the values ​​that characterized its predecessor, based on a constant concern for guaranteeing quality, safety and innovation. In order to know in depth the current situation of the company after this acquisition, we have arranged an interview with Maite Ramos, general director of Dynabook Iberia.

What are Dynabook's values ​​and DNA based on

At Dynabook we are driven by the desire to make our clients and users increasingly more efficient in their work. In this mission we are guided industry email list by the following principles: offer industry-leading levels of quality and reliability, ensure unmatched service and support, create intelligent designs with advanced features, provide flexibility to customers through custom ordering and deliver the technologies appropriate at the right time. Our philosophy is built on four fundamental pillars that we always take into account when carrying out any project. At Dynabook, trust is essential, since our clients are essential in all aspects, we care about them and take care of every detail within the experience we offer them. We achieve this through collaboration, where through honest, frank and flexible treatment, we develop relationships of trust with collaborators, distributors and clients.

What measures are you taking to promote innovation

Dynabook is a dynamic and innovative brand, built on the foundation of Toshiba’s legacy. As an industry leader, Toshiba launched the first laptop Phone Number SA computer on the market in 1985. Followed by the first notebook in 1989; two innovations that defined today’s mobile computing market . Since then, Toshiba, as an example of a Japanese brand. Has always offered innovative products. Services that integrate the latest technology and the newest design, while providing exceptional quality and safety. Today, Dynabook designs and manufactures its laptops. In addition, the company offers more than just hardware since, thanks to its engineering experience, Dynabook creates and adapts solutions that incorporate the latest in technology and design. Our added value has always been based on quality and safety.

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