The key is that already existing businesses

Advertising is purchased and sold on a cost per thousand basis. dollars of people visiting your website. Individuals are willing to pay dollar for dollar for any product you offer. Restaurants, laundries, pharmacies, doctors’ offices, etc. would all make staggering profits if they could attract people to visit their respective businesses. Affiliate Advertising Now if you are like most of us and have. Come up with great products and or services that okay are willing. To pay you to reach their end customers because as we just showed. The more visitors they attract the more money they make.

Paying you is basically a marketing expense

They pay retailers for shelf space and online and offline media companies to reach customers. If it is online it is called Iceland WhatsApp Number List affiliate advertising. Basically you partner with a company to review or promote their products and you simply link to various products and or services that your consumers may like in exchange for an agreed upon fee. Or there are many free programs available from established companies.

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Well your blog has attracted visitors to your blog

Again do believe the hype Let do the same math again with some conservative assumptions. 10,000 visitors commission comes from your affiliate. Partners on products sold through your website visitors. dollar you Average cost of an affiliate Mexico WhatsApp Number List marketer’s product. A visitor who converts and buys your affiliate product Monthly. profit Annual profit Congratulations You. Can quit your job now Obviously I’d love to cover. Other business models in another article but these three Modes are the most common and easy to use for the average person.

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