Pushcrew: Push notifications for your website

Discover how to easily add push notification functionality to your website to connect in real time with your audience. Listen, one is already amazed by how things change and the twists and turns that life takes . I can not believe. Well, I freak out and I also get dizzy. Well, aren’t they now saying again that the digital whiteboard is crap for school? I spent all summer saving for the Tablet… And not only that. Look now for what she has given to the group: for push notifications. Come on! Pushamonos cough, there like pushacos!! How strong.

Push Notifications for Firefox and Chrome

Did I notify? Oysters! Push Notifications! It’s cool (I think while telling myself that I have to finish the presentation and I shouldn’t get distracted). Take advantage of that feeling of urgency? Can I communicate with my readers in category email lis real time? Do you notify them at the exact moment? Not having to compete with the email list? Yuju! (Can you imagine my excitement upon understanding its power?). Oops. Eeeem, sure, wait, why would you accept that I can send you Push notifications? : Because you are reading this post and want to see how it works .

Add push notification functionality to your website

After seeing the topic, I couldn’t help it. The sense of urgency overwhelmed me: either I write about this or I will miss the opportunity . I have found 2 tools that make it very easy: Puschcrew . In the end I decided on her because she seemed more serious to me. The price is $25 a month that she gives me, which Phone Number SA is very expensive. We’ll see if she compensates. PushConnectNotify . I have seen this on another website and it has the advantage that, after accepting the notification, it offers you the possibility of subscribing by email. It’s not bad and its price is $19 but… as far as I know, I liked it less.

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