The usufruct of property is a legal security given to those who donate their properties to a third party and thus. This right is to use the property, even if they do not own the property. The person can enjoy the good but does not actually own it. It is important that real estate agents know what this right means in cases of selling a property with usufruct and are able to correctly explain how this asset passes. Keep reading and find out more! What is the usufruct of property in practice. In practice, the usufruct of property is the registration of a donation of a property to someone who becomes the owner, but who cannot use the property while the donor is alive. This transfer is common in cases of donation of assets during life. Avoiding the need to develop an inventory after the donor’s death.
Here’s an example of when this happens
A mother allocates her property to her son, who in her opinion is the ideal person to receive her assets. This mother makes the usufruct, registers it with a notary and the property deed will state that the fruit/asset will belong to the son. The detail is that Denmark Email List the use continues to belong to this mother and the fruit will belong to that son, who only becomes the owner when the owner of the property dies. Until the mother dies, the son does not own the property. Tecimob: Website ready for real estate agents and real estate agencies. A complete tool for you to sell more! What types of usufruct exist? Under the legislation, there are three types of usufruct.
It may be constituted between the naked owner
The one who disposes of an asset, due to usufruct – and the usufructuary or by will. Furthermore, it is important to point out that the usufruct of property can be for life – that is, for an indefinite period of time – or temporary. The most common India Email List option is lifelong, when there is no stipulate period for its end and it ends with the death of the usufructuary. Is it possible to sell a property in usufruct? A very common question among real estate agents is about selling an asset in usufruct. This sale is permitte by law, but in practice it is not very common. Furthermore, the sale only takes place when both parties involved agree with the transaction, that is: • who made the usufruct.