Your Guide to SEO Writing

The best way to drive people to your website or landing page is to create great content. Whether you write a blog or craft an infographic, the content should be relevant and attention-grabbing.

Once upon a time hitting those points in your content would have been enough. But not anymore. In this content-saturated digital age, your content faces huge competition to get seen and that’s where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in.

Keyword research is important

 Keyword research is important as it can get your brand notice by an audience that new data will have an interest in your product or service. It is the process of researching and selecting words. Terms and phrases users will search for when looking for the types of products or services your business offers. Conducting keyword research helps you choose the most relevant keywords for your target audience. This then helps search engines like google understand your web pages and serve your website as a suggestion for users searching for these specific terms.  A keyword is any word or phrase that people type into a search engine to find out more about a particular topic.

Why is SEO important

Why is SEO important? Because it uses a set of techniques to increase the visibility of your content and web pages aimed at a specific audience you’re looking to Phone Number SA target. Utilizing SEO ensures your content is relevant and findable by conducting keyword research and optimization, writing meta tags, optimizing headings, including internal links, and attracting quality backlinks.

Content marketing and SEO need to work together to drive traffic and engagement. The goal is to get your content in front of the right people and often that relies on where it’s positioned as a result of an online search – that means Google which is the market leader with an 85 percent market share.

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