The Property Registry Office is essential

The real estate market, as it provides a guarantee of legal security in real estate transactions. Records and organizes important documents, issues certificates and offers guidance. Of course, its main role is to prove the current ownership of the property, verify previous owners (20-year period), certify that the property is free of pending issues and analyze the property tax situation. What is the role of a Property Registry Office? The primary function of the Property Registry Office is to register properties and endorse documents relating to the property. Check out these and other functions performed by the institution: Property registration The registry office records documents that prove ownership of a property, such as: public deeds, purchase and sale contracts , donations, among others.

It formalizes the property and provides more security

Makes the property registry public: The institution also keeps the property registry updated and accessible to anyone who wishes to consult it, this means that anyone can check the legal status of a property before carrying out any transaction. Announcements: Annotations are notes made in existing records, they serve to inform of changes related Thailand Phone Number Data to the property, such as seizures, usufructs, marriages, inheritance, etc… In other words, they keep the record legally updated. Issuance of certificates: The Property Registry Office also issues some property certificates , such as a registration certificate, for example. They usually serve to prove the legal status of the property, so they are important for anyone who wants to buy, sell, or anyone else who wants to check the regularity of the property.

Guidance and advice: At the Notary’s Office

There are always employees available to answer questions and provide information related to property registration, necessary documents and other questions about property transfer. Therefore, the Property Registry Office is responsible for safely archiving Turkey Phone Number List documents and complete information about a given property. This way, whenever people need information about properties, they will have all the history in one place and from a reliable source. Finally, it is also the responsibility of the registry office to document fees and possible taxes, in addition to any changes that the registration may undergo. It is necessary that, whenever there is any action, for example, a purchase or sale, that produces legal effect, it is added to the registry office’s Property Registration Book. With a practical real estate website, system and application.

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