Your Product Industry Network Starts Here

We must choose a winning niche, one that Your Product will propel us to success in a short time. The method I used was to get ideas from people who already make a living from this; With one tool he monetized all his niches and with the other the niches of his own competition. The niches I found in one tool I passed through the other and so on until I had almost 1,000 niches to choose from. To your surprise, I will tell you that I did not spend more than one afternoon working on what I am telling you, I will give you a quick summary of how to do it and what tools I use, so that you can also replicate it. Starting with the method: search and selection of profitable niches for Google Adsense .

Monetized all his niches and Your Product with the other the niches of his own competition

To carry out this method, the first thing industry email list we need is a website that monetizes with AdSense, and not just anyone will do, it has to be from a niche site. We already know that a nichero does not live off just one website, so we are sure to be able to get several more from them. To find a nichero we just have to go to a government’s website and see what procedures appear; In this case I have chosen the page of the Argentine government, just go to the Home page and make a simple click to be at this point: How to find profitable niches You can use any type of procedure, service, etc… because almost all of them will take you to these websites.

Website and see what procedures appear

In my case, the Phone Number SA search I am going to use is “cuil record” and I will try to locate at least one EMD domain to run it through the first tool. Nicheros don’t appear? If you can’t find any niche website, you can use Google’s autocomplete to add one or two more words to the query, or simply search for another procedure and they will appear. The niche where I am going to start is “”. First step, we are going to use DNSlytics to check which websites nicheros monetize Now that we have located the niche, we go to this tool and in the Reverse Tools section we click on the Reverse Adsense option and in its search engine we enter the domain that we had saved.

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